Award winning dermatology service, with over 20 years of experience
Short waiting lists, on some occasions offering same week appointments
Safe environment, in Care Quality Commission approved facilities

Skin Cancer Screening and Mole Checks in London.

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the UK.

For a lot of patients, skin cancer is caused by UV light damaging your skin cells (either from the sun or artificial sources like tanning beds). Get your skin examined to give you peace of mind and detect any issues early.

Our team of dedicated skin cancer specialists can provide you with the reassurance of a correct diagnosis.

If you do have a suspected skin cancer, a fast and proactive approach often leads to less treatment required and better outcomes.


Arrange a consultation with one of our expert dermatologists today.

Image of Cross | Harley Street Dermatology Clinic


At the Harley Street Dermatology Clinic, we offer three types of skin cancer screening and mole checks.

single mole check – £59

If you have a single mole which you are concerned about and would like to be checked by an expert, book in for a single mole check at the Harley Street Dermatology Clinic. The mole in question will be scanned with a dermascope by a specialist nurse which will then be sent to one of our consultant dermatologists to be reviewed. A digital report on the mole will be produced and you will be contacted if further investigation is needed.

For the single mole check we cannot investigate moles which are located in an intimate part of the body, are on the eyelid or top of the ear, covered by an excessive amount of hair, are on a tattoo or are wet, open or bleeding. If you have any questions on this, please get in contact. If your mole or lesion requires further investigations, we may need to excise (remove) all or part of it to be assessed for cancer. Your specialist can advise during your appointment.

You will be welcomed by a nurse who will ask you some questions regarding your skin type and family history and answer any questions you may have.
Images of the single mole in question will be taken by the nurse using a state-of-the-art Dermatascope. The appointment with the nurse will take about 20 minuites in total.
A consultant will review both the images and your melanoma risk form and provide a report outlining their findings. If further investigation or treatment is required you will be notified.

full body mole check – £295

A full review of all moles and lesions on the body will be conducted by a consultant dermatologist using a dermascope. Should any of your moles require further investigation or removal, your consultant will advise during your appointment.

Our dermatologists are:

  • Highly qualified, hospital-based consultants who all are members of the British Association of Dermatologists, the Royal Society of Medicine, the General Medical Council and the Royal College of Physicians.
  • They hold a Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training in Dermatology
  • Are recognised by and registered with all major health insurance providers.
You will be welcomed by a consultant dermatologist where you can discuss your worrying moles and skin history.
Your consultant will check all the moles on your body, providing a report of the mole check and any recommendations. If you require further investigation or treatment, this will be discussed with you.
During your consultation you will be able to ask your consultant dermatologist about any other skin concerns you may have.

full body mole mapping – £350

If you have a lot of moles, especially on your back, checking and noticing changes to your own moles can be really difficult. With our mole mapping service, we can do it quickly and effectively for you. Through early detection, mole mapping offers a great safeguard against skin cancer by catching suspicious moles before they evolve into melanoma. By creating a permanent record of your moles, anything new or changing can be easily identified, giving you peace of mind.

Mole mapping is conducted by a highly qualified consultant dermatologist, who is an expert in skin cancer using cutting edge skin-imaging technology; the FotoFinder system. This system provides state-of-the-art laser guided computer mapping of your entire skin and high resolution mapping of individual moles. It has an artificial intelligence algorithm to assess each mole and provide cancer risk analysis. The images it takes are analysed by your consultant, mapped and recorded. It’s ability to compare images and identify change makes it a highly accurate tool in the development of skin cancer.

You will be provided with a record of your mole map and the digital images will be securely stored for future reference. You will be invited back for an annual review to check for any changes to your moles, but of course if you notice any changes to your moles sooner, please contact us to make an appointment where we can assess any changes. During your appointment, if a mole or lesion requires further investigation, we may need to remove all or part of it so it can be assessed for cancer. Your specialist will advise you on this during your appointment.

By using a mole mapping tool, we can:

  • Review by highly-qualified dermatologist, each has Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training in Dermatology, and is recognised by and registered with all major health insurance providers.
  • Full body mole map
  • Dermoscopy of moles and lesions of concern
  • Digital record of your moles for future reference
  • Quick annual review to check for changes
You will be welcomed by both a nurse and consultant dermatologist. The consultant will look at your moles and identify any specific areas they would like prioritised.
The nurse will then carry out your full body mole mapping using state-of-the-art FotoFinder software. The software will map your full body and provide artificial intelligence reports outlining any moles of concern.
You will be provided with a full report a copy of the images of your moles. If further investigation or treatment is required, this will be discussed with you.
find out more about mole mapping


How do I know which mole check is right for me?

It depends on your circumstances, family history and background. We recommend that you speak to one of our experts and they can suggest the best form of treatment for you.

How can I check my own moles?

It is a good idea to check your moles once a month, especially if you have lots of moles or freckles (particularly if some are large), have fair hair or skin, use sunbeds or have a family history of skin cancer.

When checking your moles, it is a good idea to use both a full length and a hand held mirror so you are able to check your body all over. Stand in a well lit room and ask a family member or your partner to help you check the hard to reach areas. Don’t forget to check less obvious places such as your scalp, the soles of your feet and in between your fingers and toes.

When checking your body for moles, you are looking for any changes to the size, colour of shape. You are also looking for itching, bleeding or crusting of moles which are signs you need to book an appointment to get your moles checked by a consultant dermatologist.

To find out more, read our blog on how to check your moles.

How often do I need my moles checked?

We recommend an annual review of your moles to identify any changes which may have occurred since your last appointment. However those at risk of skin cancer might need to be seen more frequently than this. We will send you a reminder to book your annual check. If you notice any changes to your moles between appointments, please contact us to book a mole check appointment.

What happens if I have a precancerous mole?

we are able to remove your mole if your consultant dermatologist is concerned, or if you would like it removed for cosmetic reasons. Your consultant dermatologist will discuss your options with you during your appointment if required.


Having the right dermatologist is important especially when you have a chronic skin condition that will require ongoing treatment. We want you to feel confident that we’re providing you with the best possible care. We also want you to feel as comfortable as possible with your dermatologist.

The Harley Street Dermatology Clinic specialises in conditions affecting the skin, hair and nails. Our goal is to provide all the care that you need when you’re experiencing these kinds of problems. We want to make it easy for you to access the best quality treatment and support in London.

The clinic is conveniently located in Central London, so it’s easy to visit us if you need to see a dermatologist. You will find yourself in a very comfortable and welcoming environment. We have created a relaxing space where you will receive the highest quality of care. We are regulated by the Care Quality Commission, are part of the British Association of Dermatologists and are top rated by patients of Doctify so you can be sure of safe and effective treatment with us.


Finding Us

The Harley Street Dermatology Clinic
35 Devonshire Place

The clinic can be accessed by public transport, on foot or by car. There is paid on street parking around the Harley Street district. The nearest tube stations are Regent’s Park and Baker Street, and Marylebone train station is a 15 minute walk away.

Opening Hours

While appointments can be made available outside usual hours in special circumstances, our core hours are:
Monday: 8am - 6pm
Tuesday: 8am - 6pm
Wednesday: 8am - 6pm
Thursday: 8am - 6pm
Friday: 8am - 6pm
Saturday : 10am - 2pm
Sunday: Closed


Please fill in this form and one of our team will give you a call back to arrange a consultation with one of our expert dermatologists.