Donating Dermatologist Consultation for Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan’s Celebrity Christmas Stocking Auction

By December 1, 2015 September 2nd, 2021 No Comments

Our Clinic participates in Macmillan’s Celebrity Christmas Stocking Auction

This year The Harley Street Dermatology Clinic will be donating a dermatologist consultation with Dr Adam Friedmann to the Macmillan’s Celebrity Christmas Stocking Auction. Macmillan is the UK’s leading cancer charity and this event has raised over £2 million for the increasing number of people living with cancer.

This glamorous fundraising event will invite guests to take part in an energetic live auction.  Macmillan asks a list of celebrities to tell them what they would like to wake up to in their ‘dream stocking’ on Christmas morning, Macmillan then sources all the items and auctions them off live on the night as a complete package. Our dermatologist consultation will be included in one of these dream packages to help raise money for this great cause.  We can offer diagnosis of any skin complaint, management or treatment for the problem as well as a mole check and skin cancer screening.

Recent statistics show that 2.5 million people are living with cancer in 2015, with skin cancer being the commonest form of cancer affecting people in the UK.  Our consultants are leading specialists in diagnosing and treating skin cancer and are proud to be supporting the UK’s leading cancer charity.

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