Annual Customer Service Award Received by The Harley Street Dermatology Clinic!

The Harley Street Dermatology Clinic London Rated Best Service by WhatClinic

By March 16, 2018 January 28th, 2020 No Comments

The Harley Street Dermatology Clinic in Marylebone, London (THSDC) is thrilled to have been recognised for the fourth year running – out of the 6 it’s been around for! – with the annual customer service award that is generated from and based on the excellent patient service ratings from healthcare search engine WhatClinic.

By analysing 12 months’ worth of data including patient review scores, feedback data and clinic contact rates, WhatClinic choose their winners annually. Last year alone over 15 million people visited WhatClinic to find and compare clinics. The Harley Street Dermatology Clinic of London is one of few number of clinics listed that have met the exceeding standards necessary to qualify for the award, with less than 2% of clinics this year in that pool. The winner, consistently over the 12 month period, must have had a high ServiceScore™ rating, which signifies our commitment to customer service and care, and showcases to future patients our guarantee to ensuring an outstanding service throughout.

Sarah Sheridan, Practice Manager was humbled and expressed: “I am very proud that my team have won this award four years running for the clinic. We always endeavour to deliver excellent customer service, so to have this recognition is very rewarding”.

WhatClinic CEO David Roe congratulated The Harley Street Dermatology Clinic and said “The WhatClinic Customer Service awards have now run for nine years.  In 2018 we are now including tens of thousands of ratings of patient to clinic phone calls, rating clinics on their politeness, helpfulness and customer service over the phone, as well as through email, online and in person.

Ratings are useful to both consumers and clinics. Consumers can see which clinics have rated well with lots of other users, and Clinics can evaluate their own performance against others in their market, ideally with the goal of getting better and better at serving their patients, which is ultimately good for everybody. “

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