Secret Tips Dermatologists Want You To Know About Your Skin

The Skin Tips Your Dermatologist Really Wants You To Know

By March 28, 2017 January 28th, 2020 No Comments

The vast amount of often conflicting skincare advice that is out there can be overwhelming, but there are a few important skin tips that your dermatologist would like you to remember.

Enjoy the Sun Safely

The top tip you’ll get from most dermatologists is to protect your skin from the sun. Sun damage is responsible for a wide range of skin conditions, including age spots, actinic keratoses, basal cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas and melanoma. It also ages your skin and encourages wrinkles to form.

Protect your skin by:

  • Staying out of the sun during the hottest hours in summer
  • Using sun cream with an SPF of at least 15 and reapplying it regularly
  • Covering up with long sleeves and trousers, a hat and sunglasses

Learn How to Manage Stress

Most of us know that the sun can damage our skin, but you might not expect your dermatologist to be concerned about your stress levels too. However, stress can trigger eczema, psoriasis, acne and other skin problems, so finding a good way to manage it can have a big impact on your skin. You might want to try meditation, mindfulness or yoga, or simply to take some time out to relax. Making sure that you are getting plenty of sleep can also help to reduce your stress levels.

Improve Your Lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle is good for your skin and your general health. It’s important to drink plenty of water and enjoy a balanced diet. You should try to eat a variety of different fruits and vegetables and limit the amount of fat and refined sugar in your diet. Another good tip for keeping your skin healthy is to avoid smoking. Smoking can affect the tiny blood vessels that supply your skin, so giving it up can be just as good for your skin as for the rest of your body.

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