Warning Signs That Tell You That Your Mole Might Become Melanoma
AdviceSkin Cancer

What to Look for in Moles That Might be Becoming Melanoma

By August 27, 2013 August 9th, 2021 No Comments

Mole – Might Become Melanoma

News last week confirmed that men are more likely to present late with malignant melanoma than women are.  This of course can mean a worse prognosis.

As the incidence of malignant melanoma has increased by 400% in the last 40 years, we look at a few important things you ought to know.

5 Reasons things that might increase your risk of skin cancer:

  1. You have fair skin and burn easily in the sun
  2. Excess sun exposure – having lived or worked in the sun, particularly in hot countries
  3. A history of malignant melanoma in your family
  4. Having a lot of moles
  5. Problems with the immune system or take immune-suppressing medications

Remember – if treated early enough, malignant melanoma is curable.  So if in doubt, get yourself checked.

Top tips on what to look out for in moles that might be becoming melanoma:

  1. Rapidly growing or enlarging moles
  2. Moles that change shape and become irregular or asymmetrical
  3. Blurring of the borders of a mole
  4. Changing colour, particularly darkening, or more variations of colour appearing
  5. Ulceration or bleeding

For examples of both benign moles and malignant melanoma, see our website.

Remember – there is no substitute for a consultant dermatologist examining your moles.  If you are worried, get in touch today.

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