August 2013 Updates - The Harley Street Dermatology Clinic

Clinic News for August 11, 2013.

By August 11, 2013 April 11th, 2021 No Comments

News Update for August 2013

Hi again everyone. We just wanted to keep people up-to-date on what’s been going on at the clinic:

The ongoing creation of advice leaflets and inner pages for the website continues.  Our objective is to create a learning and educational resource for the public and for our patients who want to learn about skin conditions and what we do.

In terms of educational resources for our consultant dermatologists (and other doctors), all of our doctors continue to publish articles in peer-reviewed journals. Dr Friedmann and colleagues recently presented a poster at the British Association of Dermatology annual scientific meeting in Birmingham last month.  The case was a rare presentation of a disease called calciphylaxis.  The poster can be seen here.

Literature review: Dogra et al. in the latest edition of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology performed a review of the world literature on Methotrexate in the treatment of psoriasis.  They concluded that the drug continues to be very effective first-line systemic treatment fro psoriasis which is well tolerated with minimal side effects.

Job opportunity: the Harley Street Dermatology Clinic has advertised for a part-time office assistant and reception post.  We have been inundated with CVs and shall be interviewing towards the end of the month with a view to appointing from early September 2013.

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