Getting Ready For National Eczema Week 12 – 20 September 2015

National Eczema Week Approaching Fast 12 – 20 September 2015

By September 11, 2015 March 29th, 2021 No Comments

Get Ready For National Eczema Week

The summer holidays have finally drawn to an end and the school year begins in earnest. Eczema can be a big problem for schoolchildren and in the run-up to national eczema week next week, we are pleased to announce that our clinical director Dr Friedmann has teamed up with Surcare for a twitter-based Q&A session.

This will be live on Friday 18 September from 12.30 – 2.30 pm and the details can be found on Surcare’s blog.

In other news:

Time for a mole check?

Following the sunshine, perhaps it’s time to consider having a look at your moles. As we discuss regularly in this blog, melanoma incidence is on the rise and the most important factor in the battle against melanoma is for patients to recognise the signs early and act swiftly.

patient undergoing mole removal on her face

Melanoma is the most dangerous of the skin cancers, and occurs when a mole becomes malignant. These are some of the things to look out for:

  1. Rapidly growing or enlarging moles
  2. Moles that change shape and become irregular or asymmetrical
  3. Blurring of the borders of a mole
  4. Changing colour, particularly darkening, or more variations of colour appearing
  5. Ulceration or bleeding

If you are in any doubt, get yourself checked over by a consultant dermatologist.

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